Administration (Non-voting members) |
Principal | Marco Gagliardi |
Vice-Principal | Chrisoula Pappas |
Parents (voting members) |
Chairperson | Rony Wahed |
Parent – Secretary | Caitlin Ellison |
Parent - Delegate EMSB Parents Committee | Iulia-Cristina Ionescu |
Parent - Alternate EMSB Parents Committee | Rony Wahed |
Community Representative | Crystal Alexander |
Parents - Treasurer | Mujdat Ozel |
Parents Alternate | Alix Niketa |
Parents Alternate | Joanne Yu |
Staff Members |
Teacher | Christine Philp |
Teacher | Tina Truffa |
Service de garde /Daycare | Deborah Mete |
How do I join the Governing Board?
Each September, Westmount Park holds a General Assembly of parents in the school gym, where the parent members of the Governing Board are elected by general vote. For more information about meetings and how to join the Governing Board, please contact the Governing Board chairperson or Westmount Park's principal.
Want to know more?
More information on Governing Boards can be found by consulting EMSB website by clicking on the link below:
School Governing BoardsGB Meeting Dates
All meetings will be held at 4:00 p.m. either online or in-person on the below dates.
Please email westmountpark@emsb.qc.ca if you would like to be an observer. We will email you an online meeting link and/or provide instructions if the meeting will be held in-person at school.